Lettering in Choir
Lettering is for students who are involved in extra ensembles or volunteer for major musical events throughout the school year. In order to letter, students must accumulate 60 points. While it is possible to letter in one year, many students may find it takes 2 years to letter.
These are the possible ways a student may earn points toward a letter in the Middleton High School Choral Department:
• School Day Ensemble (Concert Choir, Cantus, Cardinal Chorale) - 5
• Extra Curricular Ensemble (Chamber Choir, Bristol St., Broadway Boot Camp) - 10
• District Level Solo & Ensemble - 10
• State Solo & Ensemble - 10
• WSMA Honors Choir - 20
• Set up Volunteer for Country Breakfast - 5
• Tear Down Volunteer for Country Breakfast - 5
• Set up Volunteer for Solo and Ensemble - 5
• Day of Volunteer for Solo and Ensemble - 5
• Tear Down Volunteer for Solo and Ensemble - 5
These are the possible ways a student may earn points toward a letter in the Middleton High School Choral Department:
• School Day Ensemble (Concert Choir, Cantus, Cardinal Chorale) - 5
• Extra Curricular Ensemble (Chamber Choir, Bristol St., Broadway Boot Camp) - 10
• District Level Solo & Ensemble - 10
• State Solo & Ensemble - 10
• WSMA Honors Choir - 20
• Set up Volunteer for Country Breakfast - 5
• Tear Down Volunteer for Country Breakfast - 5
• Set up Volunteer for Solo and Ensemble - 5
• Day of Volunteer for Solo and Ensemble - 5
• Tear Down Volunteer for Solo and Ensemble - 5